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Life Drawing Stag Do


Traditional wisdom tells us that stag parties aren’t complete without strippers. It was once unheard of to even think about having your last night of freedom without some scantily clad beauty performing for your delight. Times have changed though, or at least a bit. Things are different now, and with many brides putting a ban on strippers at their prospective husband’s bash, modern stags and best men have to be a little more inventive. And, hey, some stags do want more than just a few beers with the lads and a naked woman. 

There is a way to get the best of both worlds, though. A life drawing class allows you to have your cake and eat it. This refined stag do activity will have you and your fellow stags practising your artistic talents and finding your inner Picasso...while staring at a naked woman. That’s right, boys; at a stag party life drawing class, you can still have the hot naked girl while undertaking a sophisticated and classy activity. Your bride-to-be can’t argue with that. It’s art. And your stags will be happy because our life models are hot! 

We can arrange a great venue for you and all the necessary art materials will be supplied. The class lasts about one and a half hours, in which time you’ll be given some pointers by your tutor as you sketch away while this naked beauty poses for you. Our nude drawing class model is experienced in the art of striking poses and flexing her body in just the right way for you to capture her curves and sketch her skin. She knows how best to present herself and if you can take your eyes off her long enough to actually draw her, she’ll even tell you what she thinks of it. But don’t worry if you’re no good at drawing; this activity is light-hearted and you can just have a good laugh at each other’s attempts. On the other hand, if you do fancy yourself as the next Van Gough, you might be able to really impress our gorgeous model! 

After you’ve put down your pencils, there’ll be time to meet your model and have a chat. She might even pick out her favourite portrait. Then you can all head for a beer, take your artistic endeavours home with you, and discuss what you thought of the model!


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